Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sidewalk Chalk by any other name...

We have had some word confusion is the Small household today.  Ashlynn as she was eating her lunch proclaimed she wanted to play "drunk".  I was quite upset by this proclamation and wanted to know where she heard such a word.  I know she didn't hear it from Don or myself.  She again explains that she wants to go outside since it is a pretty day and play drunk.  So I go through a list a words I think she might mean.  I asked was she talking about the car trunk or was she calling the dog a chunk (long story)?  No she wants to go outside and play drunk and so does little buddy. 

By this time she is aggravated with me because I don't seem to understand what she is asking.  She explains mommy don't you remember when miss Libby came over with Eva and Chole and we all got a color and went to the garage floor and played drunk.  OOOH you mean play with chalk.  Yes mommy can we play with drunk.  So now we have worked on the proper word and she now knows that its CHALK and not drunk.  Especially since I really don't want her to go to preschool, church, or someones house for a play date and ask to play drunk.  That might not look too good!

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