Friday, December 31, 2010

What to do on a snow day?

We have had a lot of snow and most everyone I know around here stayed at home for the 1st few days!!!  I noticed a lot of cabin fever facebook statuses.  Well what is there to do on a snow day besides play in the snow and eat snow cream.  Ashlynn and Everett have it all figured out...

First was have a big healthy breakfast of egg whites, turkey sausage, juice, and a banana then we...

CRAFT...We made 2 sock puppets from the cool craft bucket Santa brought to our home. 

Then you take a break to run around the house and do a few laps

Then you COLOR (of course from more Santa loot)

of course you have to take another quick break to play doctor and make sure everyone is well enough to continue to color

Then only one comes back to color with mommy

then we take another break to work in buddy's workshop

While they are sawing, hammering,and building mom makes the lunch they requested...

And we have a pizza party

Then when we are done we have cheer on our PIRATES in the Military bowl

While sister is cheering on our favorite team buddy sneaks in a quick nap

Which let momma know it was time to lay down our busy snow bunnies and then I finished my masterpiece!!!

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